Scout Radio Victoria |
Minutes - July Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 11th July 2023, 7.30pm
BATCave, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Chair: Luke Byrnes
Minutes: Alice Hayllar
Meeting Opened: 7:30pm
Luke Byrnes, Alice Hayllar, Andy King, Kent Cochran, Damien Kuzek, Neil Wilson, Karl Donald, Gemma Nash, Daniel Gutsell
Online: Mark Perkins, Dimitrios Karagiannis, Philip Adams, Col Herbert, Ben Hamilton, Peter Macdonald, Peter Fraser, Bryan Ackerly
Matt Cengia, Sarah Thom, Damien Kuzek, Manos Avtzis, Murray Taylor, Allison Burdon, Fiona Macdonald
Meeting Items
- Apologies for the inactivity this month.
- Pivot the Radio Rally to focus on Running a Successful JOTA event.
Previous Minutes
- Typo correction in June Minutes.
It was moved by Karl Donald and Gemma Nash that the minutes of the Scout Radio Victoria meeting held Tuesday 11th July 2023 with the above amendment be adopted. Carried unanimously.
Account |
Balance on 10th July 2023 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$9,051.44 |
- Slow month this month with very little going in and out of the account
- We still have a large number of unpaid invoices which we are chasing. These include a number from JOTA 2022 - if this includes your Group can you please follow up with them to organise payment.
- Andy and I are working to organise a GST claim for Scout Radio which will should bring a tidy sum in as we haven't claimed this back in quite a while.
- We have to pay Starlink invoice
- Looking to build an operations budget so we can have a projection of costs in an upcoming period to ensure more detailed transparency.
Further details are included in the finance report attached as Appendix 1.
Work Health & Safety (WHS)
- Please ensure you remain on top of eLearning modules including WHS as they become due.
- Scouts Victoria is rolling out Child Safe Training. For those with primary roles outside of Scout Radio Victoria, please follow this process within your primary Districts. More information to follow for those registered directly with Scout Radio Victoria regarding dates and times available to complete this session.
- Thanks to those who have joined their local sessions, still investingating SRV remaining opportunities for this compliance requirement.
- Different bikes are now hanging up outside the door and are no longer jutting out into the doorway.
Program Review
- Publicity in August for mid-week activity offerings as we've been quiet on these so far this year.
Program Planning
Trello update
Trello Card Review
Review Blocked and In Progress
- The notes below are not exhaustive. For full updates on items, please refer to the relevant Trello card. Notable items are listed below.
- eDM info to be consolidated with a STEM eDM and issued early next week.
- Bibby will be attending the GG's camp, and won't be at Cuboree now.
- Repeater Trailer Clark Mast - some issues with mounting bolts and seals to be investigated and possibly replaced.
Parks On The Air - Sandringham Cubs (Karl Donald)
- Challenge Card to follow.
Amateur Events
- VK Shires Contest - https://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/wavks/
- Consider for Mudbash open day in future.
- Museum and Ships contest - see Trello card.
- Not actioned this year, investigate options for next time.
- RD Contest Weekend coming up on the 12th-13th August. Phil will be running an info session on it next meeting on using the software and being involved in the contest so come along with your computers and the software pre-installed if you are interested.
Training Courses
Foundation Amateur Courses
Foundation Courses
August/September course needing to be scheduled.
Future Courses
Aim for a course in the West (suburban or rural) in the later half of the year - considering Geelong or Ballarat. Looking to run a course six weeks out from JOTA and one following JOTA. Some work to be done to see if we can get the LMS set up by then.
- Foundation courses to be planned for 2023 to accommodate:
- Interest from Hurstbridge Scouts and Venturers
- Interest from Mallee Mud Kamp attendees (x2)
- Interest for Western Vic JOTA to have another course at Cooinda Burrong
- Interest from MRP team members
- Follow up with registrants from previous course in Geelong who were unable to attend
AOCP Advanced Theory
Refer to Trello Card.
Marine Radio Course
None currently scheduled.
Program Enrichment
Radio Rally 2023
- Radio Technical training weekend at Mafeking Rover Park, 28-30 July 2023.
- Event will be conference style and cover both soft skills (e.g. youth program delivery) and hard skills (crimping connectors, setting up repeater trailer, programming radios)
- Bring any activities you have run with youth members to discuss and compare program delivery.
- Fill in Challenge Card system beforehand. Details to follow.
- Open to Scouting members from outside the team. Cost to include camping and catering.
- If there are any topics you would like to run a session on, please add to the Trello card.
- Looking at closing registrations mid-July - using a targeted sign-up campaign.
- Email Gemma if you would like a cabin at an extra cost
- Theme: What makes a great JOTA
- There will be time over the weekend for general support if you have anything you are wanting help with
- Youth are welcome however they must be accompanied by a leader
- This weekend is about how to deliver program not just a generic radio weekend.
- Try make contact with 6k25wsj which is the official call sign for the WSJ.
Program Support
- Invoice to be issued, has been raised.
Night Owl 2023
Date revised to move the event back to 8-10/9/2023. Location has had to be changed due to track conditions - Night Owl to adviise in next day or so.
They are changing location, Eumeralla has been recommended.
They would like to use RadioActiv8 to run the event after demonstrating its success last year, allowing up-to-date patrol tracking and youth member radio communications functionality.
Thankyou Gemma for putting your hand up to be lead for this event.
As such our support requirements are:
- Fresh RadioActiv8 instance and computer infrastructure (2-4 laptops + network are ok).
- 3x staff at HQ to run RA8.
- Radio Operators to assist guiding patrols to use radios at each of the 5 bases where required.
- 2x VHF DMR radios (total 12) per base to minimize radio queues when checking into and out of the bases.
- Maps (@mattcen)
- Luke is unlikely to be able to attend during the event so looking for someone to take lead.
JOTA 2023 - Friday October 20 to Sunday October 22
At the August meeting we will discuss what makes your JOTA event successful.
- Everyone to have a think about what they want to get out of JOTA, do you want a new experience, do you like certain locations, is there something specific you like about JOTA?
Gilwell Park - Boost
Boost 2023 (Bay Park Boost) are now at Gilwell. Ged Hook has asked to discuss JOTA at Gilwell with people who have previously run JOTA at the site to discuss what works for them, and was invited to join us this evening.
- Luke and Kent will discuss with Ged.
- It has been poiinted out to Ged that, to deliver radio program, the Storm Hut is a requirement.
Daniel is planning to be at Boost. Philip may be available for Boost if Nillumbik do not run an event.
Other JOTA Notes
- Some work taking place to look at how we effectively manage JOTA this year using Trello for internal comms, and VKJOTA for publicity.
- Watch this space for Trello details. If you have ideas please add them to the relevant Trello card.
- Aiming to have VKJOTA ready for 2023 shortly.
- Col will be running a JOTA event at Gunbower Island
- Start planning earlier this year for ICOM loan radios.
Request for provision of UHF handheld radios, approx ~20, for 17-19/11/2023. Luke will follow up.
Explore It
Request for provision of operations radios for January 2024. Luke will follow up.
Support Development
Scout Radio Victoria Assets
- New DMR radios received and configured in time for ScoutHike.
Additional Business
- Mark: Request for page numbers on documents (e.g. comms plans)
- Bulk Powerwerx order to be placed, please comment product code and quantity on Trello card.
- Dimitrios: equipment for Group - talk to Luke after meeting.
- Luke: investigating data transfer between DMR radios. We will be purchasing Raspberry Pis with 12V board and 4G module in a case. If anyone is interested in joining the order comment on the Trello card.
- Bryan is available for Boost to assist with fox hunting if required.
- Thankyou to Daniel for helping out with the radio activity at a Tech School over the holidays.
Meeting Closed: 8.37pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday 8th August 2023, 7.30pm at the BATC, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Appendix 1 - Finance Report
July 2023 Meeting
Prepared 10 July 2023
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank)
Date |
Description |
Reference |
Debit |
Credit |
Running Balance |
State Radio |
Opening Balance |
0 |
9,041.37 |
9,041.37 |
13-Jun-23 |
9th Oakleigh Scout Group c/- Dimitrios KARAGIANNIS |
0 |
10.00 |
9,051.37 |
01 Jul-May-23 |
Bendigo Bank |
0 |
0.07 |
9,051.44 |
Total State Radio |
0 |
10.07 |
9,051.44 |
Closing Balance |
0 |
9,051.44 |
9,051.44 |
Total |
0 |
10.07 |
10.07 |