Scout Radio Victoria |
Minutes - August Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 8th August 2023, 7.30pm
BATCave, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Chair: Luke Byrnes
Minutes: Alice Hayllar
Meeting Opened: 7:34pm
Luke Byrnes, Matt Cengia, Sarah Thom, Alice Hayllar, Andy King, Kent Cochran, Karl Donald, Gemma Nash, Philip Adams, Adrian Robinson, Douglas Ahearn, Murray Taylor
Online: Neil Wilson, Mark Perkins, Dimitrios Karagiannis, Damien Kuzek, Steven Pemberton, Bryan Ackerly
Daniel Gutsell, Jenny Adams, Colin Herbert, Manos Avtzis
Meeting Items
- Radio Rally was a disappointing cancellation, but these things happen.
Previous Minutes
It was moved by Kent Cochran and Murray Taylor that the minutes of the Scout Radio Victoria meeting held Tuesday 11th July 2023 be adopted. Carried unanimously.
Account |
Balance on 7th August 2023 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$8,687.52 |
We still have a large number of outstanding invoices which would increase our financial position, including both the 2022 and 2023 Scout Hike invoices (totalling $6740 owed to us). I am chasing to get as many of these paid before we reach October and our biggest month of the year in terms of expenses arrives.
Due to other priorities for this month we have not yet completed our GST claim mentioned at last month's meeting. Hopefully this can be processed shortly.
Assume ANZ accounts are sitting at $0 unless said otherwise.
Further details are included in the finance report attached in Minutes for Appendix 1.
Work Health & Safety (WHS)
- Please ensure you remain on top of eLearning modules including WHS as they become due.
- Scouts Victoria is rolling out Child Safe Training. For those with primary roles outside of Scout Radio Victoria, please follow this process within your primary registration roles. More information to follow for those registered directly with Scout Radio Victoria regarding dates and times available to complete this session.
- Thanks to those who have joined their local sessions, SRV registrants are best to attend online courses - there is one scheduled for next Tuesday evening hosted by Nillumbik District.
Program Review
- Publicity in August for mid-week activity offerings as we've been quiet on these so far this year - start this next week?
Program Planning
Trello update
Trello Card Review
Review Blocked and In Progress
- The notes below are not exhaustive. For full updates on items, please refer to the relevant Trello card. Notable items are listed below.
- Updated as required, no significant change in information to report.
- You can find a link to the JOTA trello board under the 'Build JOTA board' card.
- If you know what you are doing for JOTA, or have any useful information to share, please add it into the JOTA trello board.
Parks On The Air - Sandringham Cubs (Karl Donald)
- Email addressing schema for this to be reviewed and invoked.
Amateur Events
- RD Contest Weekend coming up on the 12th-13th August. Phil may be able to run an info session on using VKCL tonight on using the software and being involved in the contest so come along with your computers and the software pre-installed if you are interested, otherwise we can do this another time outside of the meeting.
- Gemma suggested we should try to push RD to youth in 2024.
- Luke would like to try looking for Amateur events that align with Scout events (e.g. District or region events) and organise to run an activity on the air to engage with many people on the air. The priority here is using the convenience of already established events to host opportunities to engage with Amateru radio as program delivery.
Training Courses
Foundation Amateur Courses
Foundation Courses
September course needing to be scheduled.
Future Courses
Aim for a course in the West (suburban or rural) in the later half of the year - considering Geelong or Ballarat. Looking to run a course six weeks out from JOTA and one following JOTA. Some work to be done to see if we can get the LMS set up by then.
Going to look into Pax Hill as a potential location for a course.
- Foundation courses to be planned for 2023 to accommodate:
- Interest from Hurstbridge Scouts and Venturers
- Interest from Mallee Mud Kamp attendees (x2)
- Interest for Western Vic JOTA to have another course at Cooinda Burrong
- Interest from MRP team members
- Follow up with registrants from previous course in Geelong who were unable to attend
AOCP Advanced Theory
Refer to Trello Card.
Marine Radio Course
None currently scheduled.
Program Enrichment
Radio Rally 2023
Review for after JOTA.
Program Support
- Invoice to be issued, has been raised.
Night Owl 2023
Date revised to move the event back to 8-10/9/2023. Location has had to be changed due to track conditions - Night Owl to advise in next day or so.
Eumeralla has been confirmed as the new site.
They would like to use RadioActiv8 to run the event after demonstrating its success last year, allowing up-to-date patrol tracking and youth member radio communications functionality.
Thankyou Gemma for putting your hand up to be lead for this event.
As such our support requirements are:
- Fresh RadioActiv8 instance and computer infrastructure (2-4 laptops + network are ok).
- 3x staff at HQ to run RA8.
- Radio Operators to assist guiding patrols to use radios at each of the 5 bases where required.
- 2x VHF DMR radios per base (2x per base, 2 or 3 for HQ, total <= 13) to minimize radio queues when checking into and out of the bases.
- Maps (@mattcen)
Anyone who is interested please add yourself to the Trello card
- Adrian, Douglas and Mark are interested and available to assist.
JOTA 2023 - Friday October 20 to Sunday October 22
At the August meeting we will discuss what makes your JOTA event successful.
- Everyone to have a think about what they want to get out of JOTA, do you want a new experience, do you like certain locations, is there something specific you like about JOTA?
Please contribute to the trello board if you have anything to add
Gilwell Park - Boost
Boost 2023 (Bay Park Boost) are now at Gilwell. Ged Hook has asked to discuss JOTA at Gilwell with people who have previously run JOTA at the site to discuss what works for them, and was invited to join us this evening.
Looking at the potential to run RA8 across the whole site alongside JOTA
- Luke and Kent will discuss with Ged.
- It has been pointed out to Ged that, to deliver radio program, the Storm Hut is a requirement.
Daniel is planning to be at Boost. Philip may be available for Boost if Nillumbik do not run an event.
Other JOTA Notes
- Some work taking place to look at how we effectively manage JOTA this year using Trello for internal comms, and VKJOTA for publicity.
- New board added, please populate your location if you have more information to contribute to it.
- Aiming to have VKJOTA ready for 2023 shortly.
- Start planning earlier this year for ICOM loan radios.
Request for provision of UHF handheld radios, approx ~20, for 17-19/11/2023. Luke will follow up.
Explore It
Event cancelled due to fire risk.
Support Development
Scout Radio Victoria Assets
- Night Owl radios to be reprogrammed for Night Owl as a client (i.e. program name and dispaly information), or Simplex channels to be added for 2m if required to be used in that way instead allowing a total of 4 simplex instead of just 2 duplex channels. Adrian to complete.
Additional Business
- Murray sent through an email about some youth borrowing some equipment
- Bryan is getting busier making it harder to build any extra fox hunting gear, but is happy to help out with JOTA
- Steve is doing a high altitude balloon project and would like to launch it in the week of JOTA or during the weekend of JOTA and would like to get a Scout call sign for it. Looking at an extended period of use for the call sign beyond the single event, referred tothe JOTA hire process for greater than single event use.
- Congratulations to Murray Taylor on your Silver Koala.
Meeting CLosed: 8:56pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday 12th September 2023, 7.30pm at the BATC, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Appendix 1 - Finance Report
August 2023 Meeting
Prepared 8 August 2023
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank)
Date |
Description |
Reference |
Debit |
Credit |
Running Balance |
Opening Balance |
0.00 |
9,051.44 |
9,051.44 |
12 Jul 2023 |
Payment: Toni ARCHER |
SRV-1122 |
0.00 |
58.00 |
9,109.44 |
18 Jul 2023 |
Bank Transfer from STEM Purchases to State Radio |
0359758078 Starlink Remainder 00466161731202 |
0.00 |
30.00 |
9,139.44 |
18 Jul 2023 |
Bank Transfer from State Radio to STEM Purchases |
0359728668 Starlink 00466161731202 |
552.00 |
0.00 |
8,587.44 |
27 Jul 2023 |
Payment: Girl Guides Victoria |
SRV-1097 |
0.00 |
100.00 |
8,687.44 |
01 Aug 2023 |
Bendigo Bank |
0.00 |
0.08 |
8,687.5 |
Total State Radio |
552.00 |
188.08 |
8,687.52 |
Closing Balance |
0.00 |
8,687.52 |
8,687.52 |
Total |
552.00 |
188.08 |
(363.92) |