Scout Radio Victoria |
Minutes - September Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 12th September 2023, 7.30pm
BATCave, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Chair: Luke Byrnes
Minutes: Andy King
Meeting Opened: 7.38pm
Luke Byrnes, Andy King, Matt Cengia, Douglas Ahearn, Gemma Nash, Karl Donald, Murray Taylor, Kent Cochran, Mark Perkins
Online: Peter McDonald, Philip Adams, Manos Avtzis, John Zach, Dimitrios Karagiannis, Neal Wise, Fiona McDonald, Alan Stratford, Steve Pemberton
Allison Burdon, Sarah Thom, Damien Kuzek, Adrian Robinson, Daniel Gutsell
Meeting Items
- Great work managing two events over the one weekend.
- Catching up on administration - thanks for yor patience and apologies for the inconvenience.
Previous Minutes
It was moved by Murray Taylor and Mark Perkins that the minutes of the Scout Radio Victoria meeting held Tuesday 8th August 2023 be adopted. Carried unanimously.
Account |
Balance on 12th September 2023 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$8,727.58 |
Work Health & Safety (WHS)
- Please ensure you remain on top of eLearning modules including WHS as they become due.
- Scouts Victoria is rolling out Child Safe Training. For those with primary roles outside of Scout Radio Victoria, please follow this process within your primary registration roles. More information to follow for those registered directly with Scout Radio Victoria regarding dates and times available to complete this session.
- Thanks to those who have joined their local sessions, SRV registrants are best to attend online courses.
Program Review
Operation Night Owl
- Used RA8 for tracking of Patrols through event.
- Some challenges with DMR timeslots clashing prob
- We had the Scouts doing checkin and checkout this year in a first for the event. Matt did a great radio intro at the start, but as we often see with these kinds of events the kids were very confident on the radio and anticipating and listening and with their use of the PTT. Was a great demonstraiton of how putting radios in front of youth can integrate with other events.
- Very positive feedback from NightOwl team and were impressed by the data we're able to pull from RA8. They were able to hear the kids and how they improved on the radio as our team was colocated in event HQ. Event admin was able to monitor RA8 on a local network
- Having Douglas, Adrian, and Mark mobile and able to troubleshoot was great.
- Some frustrations from youth initially as we troubleshooted tech challenges.
- Thank you to Matt for creating a great map for the event!
Radio coverage turned out
Base A (very good) - 6m emergency pushup mast; mag base on the ground did well too. Exceded coverage expectation
Base D, fringe - had some trouble initially due to timeslot issue
Base E - needed 6m mast
Coverage turned out good with the trailer in the same location as WG (back carpark)
Thanks to Peter Chaplin for assistance with resourcing the repeater trailer.
Some notes to discuss on another occassion with some improvements to the trailer to increase usability. Some projects to improve event support - note that the filtering in the trailer may not be playing nice with the timeslots. Further investigation to be done.
Strong recommend getting a duplexer (it's on the list to order)
Radio terminals - get some small tables or similar to put things on or make a box on a star picket to improve cleanliness and look of delivery
Having two radios per base, even avoiding the timeslot thing, Scouts were a bit confused as radios were close (using same battery) confusion around timeslot
Terminal failing to power up but radio has been tagged. Luke and Adrian to investigate.
Radios are not protected from the elements but are IP66 rated.
Need to look at getting walls for gazebo.
Look at getting some more commercial VHF frequrencies - a simplex fallback channel that's not the repeater output channel (e.g. base that can work HQ simplex not on rpt output)
Would be good to spend some time as a team discussing and playing with the DMR gear.
Look at getting masts - SES loaned us some masts.
Action: Douglas to talk to Kent about mast options.
Program Planning
Trello update
- Murray is about to send a flyer to Victorian amateur radio group secretaries advising time availabilities VK3RSA and linked repeaters, and HF.
Puffing Billy
- Bryan led the race on pushbike from Clematis to Emerald and the extension for the half marathon.
- Event went well and communcations generally went well. Jenny had some noise issues but swapping out with another device resolved.
- Murray used a 8900 to crossband and extend his coverage which worked well.
Trello Card Review
Review Blocked and In Progress
- The notes below are not exhaustive. For full updates on items, please refer to the relevant Trello card. Notable items are listed below.
- Updated as required, no significant change in information to report.
- Link to the JOTA trello board: https://trello.com/b/p52O1VoN
- If you know what you are doing for JOTA, or have any useful information to share, please add it into the JOTA trello board.
Parks On The Air - Sandringham Cubs (Karl Donald)
- Luke to action setup of email aliases
- Registration success @karldonald?
Amateur Events
- RD Contest Weekend 12th-13th August
- Karl participated - had 12 youth from Cubs-Scouts-Venturers participate. Ended up operating right through the day.
- Followed up participating in the ALARA contest with 7 Joeys which was a great success.
Training Courses
Foundation Amateur Courses
- Investigate Camp Niall as a location for training courses.
- Camp Nunamena (camping only)
- Course now after JOTA - November 17 to 19 at Camp Warringal
Foundation Courses
Course pushed back to November at Camp Warringal to give big lead up and advertising push at JOTA.
Future Courses
Course calendar for 2024 to be considered after JOTA. Some work to be done to see if we can get the LMS set up by then.
Pax Hill, Eumeralla, Mt Martha are very expensive sites for a 12 person course, hence preference for somewhere like Camp Warringal or Mafeking.
- Foundation courses to be planned for 2023 to accommodate:
- Interest from Hurstbridge Scouts and Venturers
- Interest from Mallee Mud Kamp attendees (x2)
- Interest for Western Vic JOTA to have another course at Cooinda Burrong
- Interest from MRP team members
- Follow up with registrants from previous course in Geelong who were unable to attend
AOCP Advanced Theory
Details are available in the Advanced Licence Trello card
Marine Radio Course
None currently scheduled.
No dates set at this stage.
Program Enrichment
Building a JOTA
Workshop JOTA planning & assets.
Spoke to Ged
Would like staffing support - has some people (Ben Hamilton)
Amateur Station (2/7, HF, any digital)
Ben has kit, Ged has kit, Luke has kit. All SRV kit can go elsewhere
We have the Storm Hut
STEM running adjacent to radio
RA8 mini game on oval in front of Storm Hut and as a night wide game
Boost working group - online meeting with Ged between now and Oct SRV meeting
Bryan has asked about fox hunting
Gilwell Tower - inspection on 23rd
- Storm Hut is currently setup with beds and looking like it may remain that way long term
- Luke biggest concern is putting any further funding into that venue until we have a clear business plan for amateur operations at Gilwell supported the sections that run major events at that site. Currently our lack of access to our own facilities on site and the lack of access dueing major events (such as Cuboree) ...
- There is plenty we could be doing at other sites but it's not going there because they don't run major events - until we have support to ...
- Kent - .. We are not doing infrastructure but we can support events (such as Boost)
- Phil has asked Kent to investigate running cables to next door building - Patrol Activity Centre.
Even if it can't be used for program at Boost the Storm Hut can be used as an RA8 base and storage of radio gear.
Program Support
JOTA 2023 - Friday October 20 to Sunday October 22
What makes your JOTA event successful?
- Everyone to have a think about what they want to get out of JOTA, do you want a new experience, do you like certain locations, is there something specific you like about JOTA?
Please contribute to the trello board if you have anything to add.
Suggest a JOTA booklet (https://vk3scm.com/index.php/radio-activities/jota-at-the-park/jota-resources/)
- Would like to update this document. Upload an A4 to the Trello card
- Looking to get mass printed
- include ad for November amateur course?
- Double sided business card with conversation transcript - Joe and Julie School nets
- 30th September on Trello card
- Aiming to have some printed by October meeting
Gilwell Park - Boost
Boost 2023 (Bay Park Boost) are now at Gilwell.
Luke spoke with Ged, results as follows:
- Fox hunting
- Amateur Station (2m/70cm ScoutNet, HF, Digital)
- RA8 mini game day (UHF hanhelds)
- RA8 Wide game PM
Follow on items:
- Meeting to be scheduled with Ged Hook to discuss expectations in the next month. See Trello card for details.
- Storm hut has been provided.
Other JOTA Notes
- Contact ICOM to obtain loan radios.
Request for provision of UHF handheld radios, approx ~20, for 17-19/11/2023. Luke will follow up.
Support Development
Scout Radio Victoria Assets
Radio troubleshooting & kit building.
- Steve is doing a high altitude balloon project and would like to launch it in the week of JOTA or during the weekend of JOTA and would like to get a Scout call sign for it. Looking at an extended period of use for the call sign beyond the single event - referred to the JOTA hire process for greater-than-single event use.
Additional Business
- Mark went to Rowallan to have a look for the potential of moving tower to location. Outcome is that we'd need to be over 15m to get over the trees.
- Kent: thanks for Barret, had fun while away.
- ACMA - had an online meeting today about the changes. We need to speak to them regarding Scout and Guide callsigns. As of February next year, once we move to a class license, ... Interesting things happening with regards to examinations - they will be sending the exam paper - one format is via email to examiner, how does the participant do the exam? ...
- Someone needs to contact ACMA "When we go to a class license, will the Scout and Guide callsigns still be issued as per the current ... with AMC?
- Phil to find letter from when AMC took over and Luke, Sarah, Kent, Phil to discuss.
- Unsure what repeater license costs will do in future.
- In February, we will go over how this is rendered - state of play update.
It is anticipated that on a date in February it moves from AMC to ACMA.
- Marine instructor renewal - Kent to speak to Luke and Phil.
- Murray - Trello card for Clifton Hill Venturers - Rufus and Noah (Venturers) ran the event and did an excellent job. Quarries Park near 2nd Clifton Hill.
- Gemma - NightOwl - thanks to Mark, Matt, Douglas, Adrian for their work and willingness to help.
- Philip - if anyone is interested in joining Sea Scouts sailing on Sunday or practice sail on Saturday please contact Philip.
Brief demonstration of how RadioActiv8 worked at NightOwl.
- ability to identify a lot of things like 'we haven't seen this patrol for longer than expected to arrive at base x'
- really powerful data and ability to infer parity and validation information.
Meeting Closed: 9.27pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday 10th October 2023, 7.30pm at the BATC, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Appendix 1 - Finance Report
August 2023 Meeting
Prepared 12 September 2023
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank)
Date |
Description |
Reference |
Debit |
Credit |
Running Balance |
Opening Balance |
$0.00 |
$8,687.52 |
$8,687.52 |
08 Aug 2023 |
Payment: Sandringham Cub Unit |
SRV-1027 |
$0.00 |
$25.00 |
$8,160.52 |
08 Aug 2023 |
Payment: Sandringham Scout Unit |
SRV-1028 |
$0.00 |
$75.00 |
$8,235.52 |
09 Aug 2023 |
Payment: Western Vic Scout Radio |
SRV-1117 |
$0.00 |
$125.00 |
$8,360.52 |
24 Aug 2023 |
Payment: Winter Gathering |
SRV-1123 |
$0.00 |
$350.00 |
$8,710.52 |
01 Sep 2023 |
Bendigo Bank |
Interest |
$0.00 |
$0.07 |
$8,710.59 |
03 Sep 2023 |
Bank Transfer from State Radio to STEM Purchases |
Postage on old JOTA Badges |
$8.55 |
$0.00 |
$8,702.04 |
07 Sep 2023 |
Bank Transfer from State Radio to STEM Purchases |
Starlink |
$174.00 |
0.00 |
$8,528.04 |
07 Sep 2023 |
Camp Warringal |
Deposit for Nov radio course |
$200.00 |
$0.00 |
$8,328.04 |
08 Sep 2023 |
Bank Transfer from State Radio to STEM Purchases |
Night Owl expenses |
$152.46 |
$0.00 |
$8,175.58 |
Total State Radio |
$535.01 |
$575.07 |
$40.06 |
Closing Balance |
$8,727.58 |