Scout Radio & Electronics Service Unit |
Minutes - September Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 13th September 2022, 7.30pm
BATCave, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Chair: Luke Byrnes
Minutes: Andy King
Meeting Opened: 7.39pm
Luke Byrnes, Andy King, Sarah Thom, Mark Perkins, Karl Donald, Kent Cochran, Murray Taylor, Glenn Perry, Neil Wilson, Daniel Gutsell, Gemma Nash, Matt Cengia
Online: Allison Burdon
Alan Stratford, Alan Kanowitz
Alberto Scelsi, Alister Blaney, Anders Hamilton, Andrew Canet, Ash Clark, Ben Hodder, Bryan Ackerly, David Timms, Franc Rojo, Hayden McManus, Jenny Adams, Jodie Bedford, Juliet Montague, Kevin Bedford, Kieran McGuinness, Peter Chaplin, Peter Fraser, Peter Robinson, Peter Watkins, Philip Adams, Quintin Coutinho
Action Items Summary
Expected Delivery |
Reference |
Description |
Lead |
Assist |
June 2022 |
Mar 22 Program Planning |
Develop self-contained SSTV activity kit |
Andy |
July 2022 |
Oct 21 Additional Business |
Explore First Aid training opportunities |
Luke |
Sep 22 |
Sep 22 JOTA |
Andy, Luke |
Sep 22 |
Sep 22 JOTA |
Order 750 JOTA Badges from Scout Shop |
Andy |
Kent |
Sep 22 |
Sep 22 Program Planning |
Program Requests EDM |
Andy, Luke |
Oct 22 |
Aug 22 Program Planning |
Carlton Rover Unit Plan night |
Murray |
Kent, Neil |
Meeting Items
- Recognition of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and a moment's silence to begin the meeting.
- Appreciation of Philip and Jenny's work over the last couple of years in the marine training space. Luke dropped in to a session on the weekend with six participants, and would not be surprised if these participants pursue foundation amateur training over the next year or so.
- Good discussion with the marine course participants about the Radio Active Scout program.
- It is good to see a full table for this month's meeting in the lead up to JOTA.
- Luke recently attended a DC's conference with Murray - more to come next month on Scouting program delivery and administration, including supporting adults into the new program and new training processes. There is good support for leaders to get up to date on training in a Scouting sense, not a section-specific basis.
Previous Minutes
It was moved by Murray Taylor and Neil Wilson that the minutes of the Scout Radio Victoria meeting held Tuesday 9th August 2022 be adopted. Carried unanimously.
Account |
Balance on Tuesday 13th September 2022 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$8,871.28 |
Cheque Account (ANZ) |
$0.00 |
Savings Account (ANZ) |
$0.00 |
Total |
$8,871.28 |
- The loan of $2,400 to Star Trek: Survival has been repaid as well as the purchase by STS of electronics kits.
- We have purchased 28 Uniden UH45 handheld radios, and Kangaree have purchased 12 as well as rechargeable batteries for the fleet. Along with 12 surplus from Star Trek: Survival, these will make up our ten Pelican case kits of 4 each to be hired out. These will be available post-Kangaree and in time for JOTA.
- Further details are included in the finance report attached as Appendix 1.
Work Health & Safety (WHS)
- Please ensure you remain on top of eLearning modules including WHS as they become due.
- First Aid Course arrangements for the team to be made over coming months.
- Access to powerpoints, doorways, etc. at the BATC.
- Luke will following this up with the new BATC Leader in Charge.
- Child Safety - more to follow in a discussion next month following on from the DC's conference. In short, we are all responsible for reporting suspect activity; this can be done anonymously through Scouts Victoria or directly through the Scouting hierarchy.
Program Review
Formation | 1st Nunawading |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Thursday 11th August, 7pm |
Location | 1 Mark Place, Nunawading |
Lead | Daniel |
Assist | |
Overview | Fox hunting night |
- Fox hunting night went well.
- Well done to Daniel for promoting amateur radio within his Unit.
- Positive feedback from Matilda (Scout):
Not too long ago, I organised a radio night for my scout group. I contacted Luke Byrnes from RadioActiv8 and a couple of weeks later, him and his team came along and helped me run an entertaining night for all of the scouts. It was a great experience for all of us and we even got badges at the end. It was only $5 and at the end of the night, everybody came to me and said that it had been a great night and that we should do that again. We did end up doing it again, and yet again it turned out great. It was really easy to organise and worked out well for all of us. I would really recommend for other scout groups to try this out because it's a great scout night activity that helped both us and the RadioActiv8 crew out.
Event | RD Contest at 1st Sandringham |
Section | Cubs Scouts |
Date | Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th August 2022 |
Location | 1st Sandringham |
Lead | Karl |
We had 8 Cubs/Scouts (+1 sibling) - who did pretty much everything with only a little bit of guidance from me. What really made it special for one of the Cubs was that he has a relation who was in service during the war as a radio operator and was able to research and share his story, operating notes and heroic activities that he was awarded for in setting up and maintaining the radio communications under fire.
- Youth members did the logging - Karl didn't really participate. The youth members are now keen for JOTA. It was a chaotic but positive experience.
- The model of getting youth members involved in contests worked really well and would recommend this in future.
- Contacted Hayden VK7HH - HamRadioDX on YouTube - and the youth members were excited to talk to a 'YouTuber'
Report attached as Appendix 3.
Event | ALARA Contest |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th August |
Location | Clifford Park |
Lead | Gemma, Daniel |
- One youth participant on Sunday morning. Small numbers due to short timeframe and small amount of promotion.
- Across 4 hour block we setup an antenna, briefed on the basics of radio operation and did approx. 3 hours of contesting. Made 30 contacts over the weekend.
- During that time saw significant growth in confidence and competency of Scout in operating on the radio, including calling "CQ Contest", exchanging intelligence, and logging.
- This was an effective model in engaging youth participants in radio. Fast pace and gamification of operation kept high energy Scout engaged for the whole block. Would easily scale to a patrol of 4-6 per radio in future.
- A model that we should explore repeating and expanding for future contests. Gemma will look to put something together post-JOTA.
- The weekend was also a great opportunity to test setup of equipment at Clifford Park prior to JOTA.
Meeting discussion points:
- Hyperactive Scout who can't sit still sat for three hours and went from being too nervous to talk on air to confidently calling CQ. Gamification - see how many you can get - is a good way to engage this age group.
- Definitely need to be on 40m - that's where the majority of contacts for ALARA were. Setting up a 40m antenna on the Sunday morning made a big difference.
- Less traffic for ALARA compared to some other contests as males could not talk to other male stations.
- The participant was enthusiatically talking to other Scouts about it the following week.
- Worth taking up contests during 2023 with multiple Scout stations on air across the state. Great opportunity to introduce new people to amateur radio and work in a youth-led adult-supported way.
- Any youth members who have participated in a RadioActiv8 context such as Starfleet Command at Star Trek: Survival would be able to get straight on air with a quick introduction to the amateur context.
- It would be good to be able to promote the next amateur course at each of these radio events.
Program Planning
Program Activities - Dates Confirmed
Formation | Carlton Rover Unit |
Section | Rovers |
Date | Monday 3rd October |
Location | Carlton Scout Hall |
Lead | |
Assist | Kent, Murray, Neil |
Contact | Angelina Malcontenti-Wilson |
Overview | Fox hunting, amateur radio |
- Murray has been in contact with Angelina about what we can offer. Looking at taking a HF radio to use on the night.
- For Rovers there is the option of a subsidy for amateur training through Mafeking Amateur Radio Group. Contact Luke for details.
Program Activities - Received this month
Formation | Berwick |
Section | Cubs |
Date | |
Location | Berwick |
Lead | |
Assist | |
Contact | Vanessa Percy |
Overview | We are a Cub Scout group and have not done any of this before. We have 26 Cubs in our group. I am a mother of one of the Cubs and was looking to send him to a day to learn about Communications please all so we can discuss what can be done |
- We will reach out to Vanessa and discuss Frankston District JOTA with them.
- Luke, Glenn, and Alli may be available to assist with a weeknight activity. The Unit meets on Thursday nights.
- Potential to integrate bushwalking OAS items.
- Glenn will draft a program and liaise with Luke.
Program Activities - Dates/Details TBC
An EDM will go to all outstanding program requests to scope their current requirements and to promote JOTA.
These requests are detailed in Appendix 2.
No action required currently
Formation | Bayside District Cubs |
Section | Cubs |
Date | TBC, morning/afternoon weekend activity |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | Kent (PA equipment) |
Contact | Karl Donald |
Overview | See Appendix 2 |
- No further planning required by our team at this stage.
- Looking more like occurring during Term 1, 2023
Amateur Events
- Review:
- Remembrance Day (Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th August 2022)
- Karl - 1st Sandringham
- Philip
- International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (Saturday 20th/Sunday 21st August 2022)
- Neil (Apollo Bay - MERC)
- Quite a few contacts during the weekend, DX into Europe long path, a lot of New Zealand and Tasmania contacts.
- ALARA Contest (Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th August 2022)
- Clifford Park - Gemma and Daniel
Training Courses
- Review:
- Marine Short Range, Saturday 10th September at GSWAC, Sandringham (106767)
- All participants did well.
- GSWAC has been renovated and is a good facility for these events. Good accomodation setup.
- Upcoming:
- Amateur Foundation, Friday 7th to Sunday 9th October, Camp Warringal
- Residential course.
- 5 registered in attendance
- Suggested:
- Amateur Foundation, Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th November, location TBC
- Aiming for Ballarat area. Re-engage with Geelong participants who were unable to complete the course during lockdowns.
- It would be good to engage with the Ballarat/Bendigo radio club.
- New Introduction to Amateur Radio book has been released.
- It would be good to have Scout stations on air for the Oceania DX contest on Saturday 1st October, but let's focus on making JOTA a good experience as we come out of COVID.
- Philip is looking at getting copies of the new fourth edition book to have in stock for upcoming courses.
- We have some third edition Fondation Manuals available, see Luke or Andy to get a copy.
Program Support
Event | Mallee Mud Camp |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Friday 4th - Sunday 6th November |
Location | Tapio Station, near Wentworth, NSW |
Lead | Luke |
Assist | Glenn |
- Luke will reach out to Jason Govan.
- This camp is run by Rovers for Scouts.
- Some financial support may be available to assist delivery of program. Three or four Venturers could be flown up for the weekend.
- Looking to run a RadioActiv8 base with some interested Venturers to assist. Considering arranging flights for Venturer assistants to make the weekend easier for them to attend.
- Please contact Luke directly if you are interested in assisting. Looking at what assistance there may be for covering fees.
Updates this month:
- Luke will discuss over the next month with those who have expressed interest - Glenn, Andy
- Gemma has some Venturers in mind from STS and will talk to Luke offline.
- Each vehicle will be provided at least a tank of fuel.
- Some STEM Youth Council members will be attending too to run a forensics base. The forensics activity can be done with resources from a supermarket and Bunnings, so Units will be able to go away from the camp upskilled and ready to run this in their Units.
- This event is less so about us delivering program but more about enabling other groups to pick up and run diverse program offerings.
Event | Kangaree 2022 |
Section | Joeys |
Date | Friday 30th September - Sunday 2nd October |
Location | Lardner Park (155 Burnt Store Rd, Lardner VIC 3820) |
Lead | |
Assist | Andy, Matt Cengia, Daniel |
- Thank you to the radio team members who have agreed to help on the STEM base at Kangaree.
Event | Cuboree 2023 |
Section | Cubs |
Date | 25 - 29 September 2023 |
Location | Gilwell Park, Gembrook |
Lead | Murray Taylor |
Assist | |
- Looking for some form of radio activity for 30 min sessions with 3 sessions each evening for 4 evenings.
- Cubs in Patrols of up to 10 with leader would book to complete the activity.
- Murray has requested the Storm Hut.
- Maree Pascoe (VK3FMJO) would be good to have on board, Murray will talk to Maree.
- Update from Murray
- Meeting this Saturday - Murray with Cuboree Exec. More information to come shortly.
- Murray is not the lead on this activity - seeking an activity lead for this. Murray is overseeing activities on a larger scale.
- VK3CUB callsign could be used for this activity and publicised beforehand.
- Look at using 40m given the location.
- Other activities like 'pick up the poo', ones run at VicJam, CubJam would be worth considering.
- Short activity rotations but times are subject to change.
- Within our activity it could be free for all, rotational - it's up to the Lead.
- We will push for use of the Storm Hut as we have existing amateur radio assets located there.
Support Development
ScoutHike Collaboration
No progress on this at this stage. Luke will be in touch with Brett Cole to discuss further.
New Licencee 'Welcome pack'
- Lead: Neil
- With two Foundation courses on the calendar this would be a beneficial asset to have ready to present to participants.
- Resources for VKJOTA
- Thanks to Daniel for preparing this. Attached as Appendix 4. Please provide any feedback you have directly to Daniel.
- Consider adding to GitHub in Markdown for feedback to come through.
Upcoming Support Events
- Operation Night Owl (Saturday 17/Sunday 18 September) at Rowallan Scout Camp
- Arrival at 12pm for set up, hiking begins 5pm, last patrol expected before 2am (but likely earlier due to lower numbers of around 100 Scouts - 15-20 patrols).
- Pack down from 8am, bump out by 10:30am
- Limited event staffing capabilities by the Night Owl team
- Further Radio Operator assistance appreciated if available, even if just for the evening.
- Comms plan and map to be distributed later this week.
- Current attendees: Mark, Matt, Daniel, Kent (after 9pm Sat), Neil, Alan S, Andy, Luke
There will be an online meeting on Thursday night. Meeting details to follow.
Luke is organising the repeater trailer with Peter Chaplin. Our 'worst case' backup is to us simplex and relay between stations as required. Traffic will be logged in RadioActiv8 at HQ. Contact Luke with any queries.
Program Enrichment
- JOTA SWOT: what makes a successful JOTA?
- Covered during contest section of the meeting, but feel free to reach out to Luke if you have any questions.
JOTA-JOTI (Friday 14th to Sunday 16th October 2022)
- Mark Perkins:
- Is Scout Radio able to approach ICOM to borrow some higher end radios with external waterfall capabilities for JOTA? If yes, could I please request a IC-7610 for Treetops. (The external video-out with a waterfall helps engage large Scout numbers)
- Luke is looking into this.
- Icom radios would be available for collection at our October meeting, the week of JOTA.
- Does the SRESU have bandpass filter sets to loan for multi HF radio events? If no, should the SRESU obtain/purchase some sets? What i) Power rating; ii) frequencies
- Filters at VicJam were on loan from Kevin Bedford
- How much would it cost to purchase a set of these filters?
- $100 to $200+ per unit (per frequency)
- Demand is increasing as we look at doing more contesting. Statewide use at JOTA justifies the purchase.
- Investigate bulk purchase and buy-in from Radio Communities.
- If individuals who have knowledge in the area could report back at our October meeting with specifications and quotes.
- Single frequency units. 40m, 80m, 20m are the main bands used.
- Single page document sent through to agenda@sresu.asn.au.
- Indicatively, look at Scout Radio spending $1000 to $1200 on this project.
- For large group demonstrations, should the SRESU purchase a newer radio (e.g. IC 7300) that is directly able to output to an external display (HDMI/DVI/etc) or have a another method to connect to an external display (remote control software/etc)? The RF waterfall information is good at keeping the youth visually engaged.
- Other option is remote SDR not onsite at a campsite to get separation.
- KiwiSDR
- Daniel has used WFView with his IC7300
- IC7000 can be plugged in and mirror the screen but no waterfall
Team member plans for JOTA 2022:
Name |
Event/Location |
Andy |
Western Vic JOTA |
Kent |
No current plans |
Murray |
Unsure if running a Melbourne Region base |
Neil |
Treetops |
Gemma |
Mafeking |
Daniel |
Clifford Park |
Matt Cengia |
No current plans |
Karl |
Gilwell |
Glenn |
Mark |
Treetops |
Philip |
Zoom remote station |
Luke |
Statewide |
- Gilwell - see if the Storm Hut is available for some time over the weekend. Karl will talk with Kent offline about capabilities at Gilwell.
- You can have non-WWC, non-Scouting SMEs delivering program at your event, however there must be a uniformed Scouting member present at all times.
- Rules have been refined such that an external operator can come onsite provided there is one leader in charge.
Clifford Park pre-JOTA Activity Nights
- Daniel suggested opening up the radio shack at Clifford Park in the fortnight leading up to JOTA.
Email the reflector with details.
- Andy to place order for badges with Scout Shop.
- Registrations and badge/callsign orders are open at vkjotijota.com
- Update on registrations
- 2 sites registered to Monday 12th September
- 120 badges ordered
- Review badge sales at the end of this month
- Email next week to all previous registrants as a reminder to register and purchase badges (Victoria)
- Revisit in February 2023
- Sell old surplus equipment
- Moorabbin - 6th May 2023
Additional Business
- Mark Perkins:
- Request that meeting items to be taken offline are minuted with those to be involved.
- Repeater Trailer location for JOTA? Mark requests Treetops, Rowallan is another possibitly.
- Sarah is stepping down shortly, aiming for the end of October. Details around the State Commissioner STEM role will be coming out through Scouting channels shortly.
- Sustainable Tech Camp - Sunday 18th pm through to Wednesday 21st September - Yarra Ranges Tech School are running technology activities with various site visits during the event. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Sarah. Daniel will be running amateur radio one evening at Clifford Park.
- Murray: any updates on the Gilwell tower situation? Nothing at this stage.
- Neil: follow up with Venturers who have expressed interest in amateur radio regarding Mudbash and other activities.
- Daniel: 4th December Monash University is holding a Maker Faire, the STEM team will be putting together a Scouts Victoria STEM program space at the fair to display how we are engaging youth in STEM. If anyone is interested in helping, or has any idea on radio-related items to include, please speak offline with Daniel.
- KiwiSDR or remote HF station
- Display of electronics projects we have done with youth members previously
Meeting Closed: 9.49pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday 11th October 2022, 7.30pm
Appendix 1
Scout Radio Victoria - Finance Report
September 2022 Meeting
Prepared Tuesday 13 September 2022
Account Balances
Account |
Balance on Tuesday 13th September 2022 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$8,871.28 |
Cheque Account (ANZ) |
$0.00 |
Savings Account (ANZ) |
$0.00 |
Total |
$8,871.28 |
Outstanding Items
Outstanding Invoices:
- Mafeking Amateur Radio Group - VK3SCM Callsign
- Mafeking Rover Park - VK3RMP Callsign
- Sandringham Cub Unit - Activity Night
- Sandringham Scout Unit - Activity Night
- VicRovers - Works on Trailer
- Douglas Ahearn - Amateur Course
- Mafeking Amateur Radio Group - Amateur Course Contribution
Upcoming Expenses:
- ACMA - Amateur Callsigns - in the order of $1850
Savings Account (013599 268169069) - ANZ
Date |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
9 Aug '22 |
Opening Balance |
$0.00 |
12 Sep '22 |
Closing Balance |
$0.00 |
Cheque Account (013599 268166933) - ANZ
Date |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
9 Aug '22 |
Opening Balance |
$0.00 |
12 Sep '22 |
Closing Balance |
$0.00 |
Scouts Victoria STEM - State Radio (633000 190363002) - Bendigo Bank
Date |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
9 Aug '22 |
Opening Balance |
$6,057.42 |
9 Aug '22 |
ANZ Bank Account Balance Transfer |
$238.50 |
$6,295.92 |
12 Aug '22 |
Camp Warringal Amateur Course Deposit |
$200.00 |
$6,095.92 |
14 Aug '22 |
Clifford Park ALARA Contest Weekend Deposit |
$25.00 |
$6,070.92 |
17 Aug '22 |
Philip Adams Reimburse Marine Course Exams (7) |
$623.00 |
$5,447.92 |
19 Aug '22 |
Foundation Course |
$220.00 |
$5,667.92 |
20 Aug '22 |
Philip Adams Reimburse Marine Course Books |
$74.00 |
$5,593.92 |
20 Aug '22 |
Nic Houghton Foundation Course |
$220.00 |
$5,813.92 |
21 Aug '22 |
Scouts Victoria STEM - Star Trek: Survival Electornics Kits |
$232.50 |
$6,046.42 |
21 Aug '22 |
Scouts Victoria STEM - Star Trek: Survival Reimburse Event Loan |
$2,400.00 |
$8,446.42 |
23 Aug '22 |
Ted Yip Foundation Course |
$220.00 |
$8,666.42 |
23 Aug '22 |
Philip Adams Reimburse Marine Course Books Postage |
$8.00 |
$8,658.42 |
24 Aug '22 |
1st Nunawading Fox Hunting Night - 11th August 2022 |
$145.00 |
$8,803.42 |
25 Aug '22 |
Philip Adams Reimburse Marine Course Book |
$20.50 |
$8,782.92 |
25 Aug '22 |
Winter Gathering Repeater Trailer Hire |
$150.00 |
$8,932.92 |
26 Aug '22 |
Chloe Cooper ALARA Participant |
$10.00 |
$8,942.92 |
28 Aug '22 |
6th Box Hill Electronics Kits |
$45.00 |
$8,987.92 |
1 Sep '22 |
Interest |
$0.06 |
$8,987.98 |
4 Sep '22 |
Noah Connell Amateur Course Participant |
$220.00 |
$9,902.98 |
5 Sep '22 |
Clifford Park Activity Centre ALARA Contest Venue Hire |
$25.00 |
$9,182.98 |
8 Sep '22 |
Jamie Rosa SPOT Hire - Caulfield Scouts |
$50.00 |
$9,232.98 |
9 Sep '22 |
STEM Debit Card UH45 Handheld Radios |
$348.00 |
$8,884.98 |
9 Sep '22 |
STEM Debit Card UH45 Handheld Radios |
$50.00 |
$8,834.98 |
10 Sep '22 |
Adrian Robinson Amateur Radio Badge |
$5.00 |
$8,839.98 |
10 Sep '22 |
STEM Debit Card UH45 Handheld Radios Remainder |
$15.20 |
$8,855.18 |
10 Sep '22 |
Paige Baddeley Amateur Radio Badges |
$16.10 |
$8,871.28 |
12 Sep '22 |
Closing Balance |
$8,871.28 |
Appendix 2
Outstanding Program Requests
An EDM will go to all outstanding program requests to scope their current requirements and to promote JOTA.
Formation | Moreland Darebin District Joeys Day/1st Reservoir |
Section | Joeys Cubs |
Date | |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | Andy, Alli, Luke, Kevin, Neil |
Contact | Alison (District Leader) |
Overview | Activity day for 12 Joey Units in Moreland Darebin District. |
- Andy will touch base to gauge interest in revisiting this activity request, and to see if they are on board to assist with organising the day.
Formation | Pascoe Vale |
Section | Cubs |
Date | Monday nights |
Location | Cumberland Road, Pascoe Vale |
Lead | |
Assist | Kent |
Contact | Wu Phie |
Overview | "I would like to introduce our Cubs to the world of amateur radio, its potential and how it fits in with Scouts and the wider world. Do you have activities/ services which fit this? How do book some of SRESU time and resources? When is the earliest time I can book in? What is required on our end? I look forward to discussing with you." |
Formation | 1st Glen Iris |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Wednesday evenings |
Location | |
Lead | Luke |
Assist | Murray? |
Contact | Mike Lukins |
Overview | 50 scouts. "What do you offer that would be interesting / fun for a scout troop such as ours?" |
Formation | 4th Brunswick Scouts |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Monday evenings, 7pm - 9pm |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | |
Contact | Kim Anderson |
Overview | 30 - 40 scouts. "We'd love to run a fox hunting night or electronics kit building night." |
Formation | 1st Wheelers Hill Scouts |
Section | Scouts |
Date | |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | |
Contact | Brooke Whiteside |
Overview | Looking for "a few radio activities" on a Saturday. "How long do these activities take?" |
Formation | 1st Alfredton |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Term 4? |
Location | Ballarat District |
Lead | TBA |
Assist | |
Contact | Sarah Brackenridge, AGL/SL |
Overview | Request for Radio Team visit to a Scout night, details to follow |
- Ideally we would aim for an activity pre-JOTA with involvement from the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group to build on this relationship.