Scout Radio & Electronics Service Unit |
Meeting Minutes - July Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 13th July 2021, 7.30pm
BATCave, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Chair: Luke Byrnes
Minutes: Andy King
Meeting Opened: 7.35pm
Andy King, Luke Byrnes, Neil Wilson, Kent Cochran, Philip Adams, Murray Taylor, Matt Cengia, Allison Burdon, Bryan Ackerly, Sarah Thom, Gemma Nash, Mark Perkins
Peter Chaplin, Karen Merlo, Jodie Bedford, Erin Bedford, Kevin Bedford, Greg Lipschitz, Alan Stratford, Jenny Adams
Action Items Summary
A summary of previous outstanding action items and those arising from this meeting is included below.
Meeting Items
Luke welcomed all team members and guests.
Investiture Ceremony
- Luke Byrnes was invested as State Leader Communication Technologies by Sarah Thom (State Commissioner STEM) and Josh (Rover, member of State STEM Council).
- Sarah extended her thanks to Philip Adams for his time as State Leader Radio and for his contributions when she began in her role.
- Allison has tendered her resignation from the Secretary and Treasurer roles but is very keen to remain involved with the team.
- Luke and Philip extended their thanks on behalf of the team to Allison for her significant contributions in these roles. Philip noted the value that Allison brought to the team when she joined and her willingness to fill both roles.
- Andy has been appointed as Secretary/Treasurer.
Account Balances
Account |
Balance on Tuesday 13th July 2021 |
Cheque Account |
$5,415.85 |
Savings Account |
$7,436.70 |
Outstanding Finance Items
- ScoutHike invoice is still to be sent.
- Allison will liaise with Alan to confirm the number of radios hired by the 4x4 Service Unit and confirm their return and condition prior to invoicing.
- Hoadley Hide repeater trailer hire invoice is still to be sent.
Bank Account Updates
- Mark Perkins and Neil Wilson moved that Andrew King and Luke Byrnes be added as signatories to the SRESU’s ANZ Cheque (013599 268166933) and Savings (013599 268169069) bank accounts. Motion was carried unanimously in favour.
- Murray Taylor and Allison Burdon moved that SRESU’s Chairman on the abovementioned bank accounts is updated to Luke Byrnes. Motion was carried successfully in favour.
Program Review
Marine SROCP Training Course at Ivanhoe (Sunday 27th June 2021)
- 13 attendees, half were youth members/Rovers
- Good results have been received. One result is unknown due to permission not being given for the assessor to be notified.
- This was the second SROCP course this year and one remains to be held at Williamstown on Saturday 31st July.
- This event is low on numbers - currently around 8 participants.
- If any team members are interested in attending the course please speak to Philip.
- Details on the SRESU Website.
Foundation Amateur Radio Course at Geelong (Saturday 10th/Sunday 11th July 2021)
- Held in Geelong at the request of Geelong district, however unfortunately other local commitments reduced the number of local attendees.
- All four participants sat the assessments and all are expecting good results.
Program Enrichment
Providing Quality Programs
A workshop was held at the end of the meeting to discuss Plan>Do>Review> activity cards.
The following activities were documented:
- Shortwave Listening Station
- Soldering Shapes
- Antenna Building (Plane Crash Scenario)
- Skill Tester
- Battleships
Program Planning
- COVID Management Plan for ARISS
- WSPR station sites and setup
- It would be good to have WSPR nodes at sites across the state to demonstrate propagation.
- If anyone is interested in assisting with this project please speak to Philip.
- Adult Registration
- A reminder to all team members who plan to attend VicJam to register as soon as possible.
- VicJam Website > Apply
- Establish a subcommittee to meet regularly outside of the monthly SRESU meeting
- Philip will lead a VicJam AR Subcommittee with meetings to be held online on the last Monday of the month.
- First Meeting: Monday 26th July, 8pm
- Gather past amateur course participant information for call-to-action for VicJam assistance
- Andy has spoken to Alan - Alan is able to easily bulk-search for current callsigns if a list of course participants is provided, but does not have a current list himself.
- Luke to work with Philip and Kent to establish past participants who may be available.
- Collate gear availability list
- Philip will establish a Google Form/Sheet to collate this gear availability.
- Establish sponsor contacts with Icom and WIA
- Activities and Equipment
- Philip is still working on activities and a gear list for the Amateur Radio base and aims to have this completed within the next month.
- Kent has requested an update on the request for an FM transmitter for the onsite FM radio station.
- Need to follow up with the Radio Station team to see if this transmitter is still required.
Program Activities
Hallam Scout Group (Nagy Mourad)
I am the Group Leader of the Hallam Scouts and I would like to explore available programs and suitability for numerous sections please, I can then get section leaders to discuss details including dates. We have all sections from Joeys to Venturers but in varied numbers. Thank you
- Luke will follow up with Hallam Scout Group.
1st Reservoir Joey Scouts (Phillip Bailey)
Hi there, I manage the 1st Reservoir Joey Group. I've seen your advert for activities in this weeks edition of Be Informed. What introduction activities could I organise with you for my Joey section please? Regards Phil
- Luke will provide details to Neil to contact the group.
4th Brunswick Cubs - Thursday 19th August, 6.30pm
- Murray is leading this activity.
4th Brunswick have a 40-strong Cub pack ... Brian - I would like to borrow at least two more foxhunt sniffers, and would like to have 2-3 more team members on hand, with activities.
I hope to have 4 off ISM band HT units with me for them to try message passing, but if someone else can provide some indoor activities (andy Image transmission?, anyone phonetic nought/crosses etc? ) to create some rotations.
I might be able to establish an external operator to 'have a chat' with the Cubs on 2m.
1st Sandringham Cubs
Interested in finding out more about activities for Cubs, possibly a fox hunting activity.
- Murray is trying to work out a suitable time. He will most likely run a fox hunting activity for the group.
Boroondara District (Sue Keks) - Saturday 11th September
We're having an activity day for the District cubs, very much along the STEM lines, and the cubs have specifically asked for fox hunting! Can I also ask what the electronics kit building would involve - costs, time required, facilities required (eg indoor/ outside under a marquee), whether we could cycle 150 cubs through? Now that I've seen it on the list, I'm curious! (Had been thinking of cubs moving round bases of somewhere around 30-45 mins each) PS that's 1st Balwyn (my home pack) with Murray Taylor in the photo!!
- Murray has spoken to Sue.
- This event is on the NightOwl weekend.
- Some team members expressed their in-principle availability but times need to be confirmed.
- Murray will confirm times with Sue.
JOTA/JOTI 2021 - Friday 15th to Sunday 17th October 2021
- Luke will follow up the status of the badge design with Brett Nicholas (National JOTA Coordinator).
- Bryan needs to construct more fox hunting equipment prior to JOTA. Bryan will send an email to the reflector to arrange a working bee or independent work. Fridays were suggested as a suitable day for a working bee.
- Melbourne Electronics Radio Club (MERC) have relocated from the Royal Children's Hospital site to the 1st Keilor Village Scout Hall (2 Bonfield Street, Keilor). This may be a good opportunity/location for a JOTA station.
- Maree Pascoe (Acting Cub Scout Commissioner, Gippsland) holds a licence (callsign VK3FMJO) - could be a good opportunity to encourage JOTA activities in this Region.
Amateur Events
Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest (Saturday 17th July 2021)
- This is an 80m/40m contest aimed primarily at Australia and New Zealand, running in two hour blocks.
- No 'Scout events' are going ahead in conjunction with this contest.
- This contest provides good practice using the VKCL logging tool.
- Contest details at WIA Website > Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest
RD Contest (Saturday 14th/Sunday 15th August 2021)
International Lighthouse Weekend (Saturday 21st/Sunday 22nd August 2021)
- We have a tentative booking for a hall at Queenscliff.
- Philip is looking into whether we have access to the Fort.
- ALARA Contest (Saturday 28th/Sunday 29th August 2021)
- This is the same weekend as the Mafeking Amateur Radio course.
- Murray is having discussions to see if he can get some youth members on air.
- As ALARA have made changes to facilitate Scouts being involved it would be good to have as many youth members on air during the contest as possible.
- ALARA is encouraging females to apply for their grants to assist with getting on air.
- It was suggested that we include details of this funding in our relevant advertising.
- Contest details at ALARA Website > Contests
ALARA Grant may be available to females applying for a Foundation Licence or
upgrading to a Standard or Advanced Amateur Radio Licence. The grant is equal to
approximately half the cost of the fees for assessment, licence and callsign. In addition,
we would provide a complimentary membership to ALARA for one year. - See www.alara.org.au.
Other Event Notes:
- A national Scouts STEM event is being held online across all states on Saturday 28th August 2021.
- Next year we could consider tying the ALARA contest in with Science Week events.
Upcoming Training Courses
- Marine Radio SROCP – Williamstown (Saturday 31st July 2021)
- Amateur Foundation – Wattle Glen (Saturday 7th/Sunday 8th August 2021)
- Amateur Foundation – Mafeking Rover Park (Friday 27th August to Sunday 29th August 2021)
Program Support
Support Development
ScoutHike Equipment Working Group
Refer to June 2021 meeting item 3.j.v:
We need to investigate repeater power in the form of additional batteries and/or a remote start generator in the trailer. Peter Chaplin is looking into the draw of the two repeaters in the trailer.
i. Current batteries are four of at least 100Ah each.
ii. We did run a generator over the weekend, but it didn’t last long.
iii. Overgrowth at Rocky Track location is resulting in solar panels on the trailer being less effective.
iv. Given previous offers from ScoutHike to assist with financing a generator, we should put forward a request outlining estimated cost.
v. A small group should be formed to work with ScoutHike on this project.
- Kent is happy to assist with this project, but not lead.
- Has Kevin had any further discussions with ScoutHike?
Jamboree on the Trail (JOTT) - 8th May 2021
Murray has provided the following list of amateur operators who assisted with the JOTT event on 8th May 2021:
Callsign |
Name |
Murray Taylor |
Kieran McGuinness |
Michael Barrett |
Joe Gonzales (operated as VK3SRC) |
Julie Gonzales (operated as VK3SRC) |
Ken Millis |
David Shean |
James Roy is not licenced but was with Ken Millis as an interested observer.
Upcoming Support Events
- Night Owl at Barrys Reef (Saturday 11th to Sunday 12th September 2021)
- Mark is compiling Radio Mobile coverage maps to assist operators with planning.
Additional Business
- Murray is acquiring four UHF handhelds which will be available for use at activities.
- The SRESU and JOTA pages on the WIA website need updating.
- Murray is interested in establishing a “permanent” fox hunting site at 1st Central Moorabbin (179-185 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East) with the idea that an event runs one night a month, perhaps on a Monday evening. Dates and further details to be advised.
- It was agreed that Bryan may purchase one of the Unit's two large HP server racks for $100. Peter Chaplin has one of these racks in storage at Yallourn North.
- Philip has received 4 Trimble Thunderbolt GPS Units (1 second pulse, 10 MHz), which are useful for digital modes. If any members are interested in one of these units, please discuss with Philip.
Equipment Hire Notes
- SPOT is not to be booked out for the week of NightOwl (Monday 6th to Sunday 12th September 2021) as it will be given to the last patrol to leave for our tracking purposes.
- Peter McDonald has requested handheld radios for Gilweroo (Friday 19th to Sunday 21st November 2021)
Meeting Closed: 9.50pm
Next Meeting: 7.30pm, Tuesday 10th August 2021 at the BATCave, Legana Street, Mt Waverley