Scout Radio & Electronics Service Unit |
Minutes - August Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 9th August 2022, 7.30pm
BATCave, Legana Street, Mount Waverley
Chair: Luke Byrnes
Minutes: Andy King
Meeting Opened: 7.36pm
Luke Byrnes, Andy King, Kent Cochran, Daniel Gutsell, Gemma Nash, Murray Taylor, Matt Cengia, Neil Wilson
Online: Mark Perkins, Philip Adams, Glenn Perry, Franc Rojo, Alan Kanowitz, Karl Donald
Kevin Bedford, Jenny Adams, Allison Burdon
Alan Stratford, Alberto Scelsi, Alister Blaney, Anders Hamilton, Andrew Canet, Ash Clark, Ben Hodder, Bryan Ackerly, David Timms, Greg Lipschitz, Hayden McManus, Jodie Bedford, Juliet Montague, Kieran McGuinness, Peter Chaplin, Peter Fraser, Peter Robinson, Peter Watkins, Quintin Coutinho
Action Items Summary
Meeting Items
Congratulations to all Adult Recognition Award recipients:
Special Service Award |
Meritorious Service Award |
Silver Wattle |
Andrew Canet |
Alan Stratford |
Matthew Cengia |
Andrew King |
Daniel Gutsell |
Quintin Coutinho |
Glenn Perry |
David Timms |
Juliet Montague |
Luke Byrnes |
Karl Donald |
Neil Wilson |
Peter Robinson |
Congratulations to Andy King on coordinating the very successful Knox District Joey Scout Day. Special thanks to Allison for co-ordinating the lead, and to the Radio members who made the event a success on the day: Sarah, Neil, Kent, Murray, Phil, Jenny, and Bryan. They were well supported with STEM team representation from Jess, Kate, and Mars.
Previous Minutes
It was moved by Matt Cengia and Daniel Gutsell that the minutes of the SRESU meeting held Tuesday 12th July 2022 be adopted. Carried unanimously.
Account |
Balance on Monday 8th August 2022 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$6,057.42 |
Cheque Account (ANZ) |
$238.50 |
Savings Account (ANZ) |
$0.00 |
Total |
$6,295.92 |
- We are still making progress on following up outstanding invoices.
- A new Mafeking committee was only elected last week, and they are yet to appoint a new Treasurer. These invoices will be followed up when possible.
- Discussions have been held with Peter Wotherspoon, SC Rovers, regarding the outstanding trailer invoice. This will be reimbursed within the coming weeks.
- Thanks to Philip and Allison for their assistance once again in retrieving funds from the ANZ account. We have been reimbursed by Hoadley Hide for an outstanding fuel purchase and we are finalising the transfer of this from the ANZ account into our Bendigo Bank account.
- Funds from Star Trek: Survival will come back shortly, in addition to the radio assets purchased as part of running the event.
- 10 Pelican cases have been purchased and will be used for 'program in a box' kits with UHF handheld radios. We are looking to make up all 10 cases with kits of 4 UH45 handheld UHF radios each.
- Further details are included in the finance report attached as Appendix 1.
Work Health & Safety (WHS)
- Please ensure you remain on top of eLearning modules including WHS as they become due.
- First Aid Course arrangements for the team to be made over coming months.
- Access to powerpoints, doorways, etc. at the BATC.
- Luke will following this up with the new BATC Leader in Charge.
Program Review
Formation | 6th Box Hill |
Section | Cubs Scouts |
Date | Saturday 30th July |
Location | |
Lead | Daniel |
Assist | |
Overview | Fox Hunting and Kit Building |
- 3 Cubs and 6 Scouts
- Moisture sensor kit building was largely successful but time consuming.
- About 1.5 hours to complete the kits.
- Question about the type of solder supplied - had some dry joints.
- Time and space constraints around fox hunting.
Formation | Knox District Joey Day |
Section | Joeys |
Date | Sunday 31st July, 10am to 3pm |
Location | Heany Park |
Lead | Allison |
Assist | Andy, Murray, Bryan, Philip |
Overview | District activities day for approx. 60 Joeys |
- 57 Joeys across 6 Patrols rotated through 7 activity bases:
- Bottle Rocket Construction (STEM)
- Bottle Rocket Launch (STEM)
- Virtual Reality Headsets (STEM)
- Pick up the poo (Radio)
- Team communications game with a blindfolded team member. The game went well.
- Leaders thought the kids wouldn't get it, but they were all able to pick up the activity.
- One leader asked which Patrol picked up the most beanbags - they were introducing competition, not the youth members.
- Fox Hunting (Radio)
- Murray and Bryan had their equipment in addition to the Scout Radio set, so there was plenty of gear to go around - were able to give one sniffer to each youth member.
- Went really well and only one Patrol failed to find all 6 foxes.
- Rock Climbing Wall (Knox District)
- Knots (Knox District)
- Successful day and positive feedback from organisers.
- Call for activity feedback in Google Doc for review and improvement process. Thank you to those who have already added their feedback. - https://bit.ly/3SyOrz8
- Echo Luke's thanks above to everyone who assisted with the day. Thanks also to Alli for providing lunch for our team.
- Income for this activity was split 50:50 with the STEM team due to their contributions towards activities and staffing for the day.
- A more appropriate fee will be charged for similar activities in future.
- Uniden UH45 handhelds worked well. They're a good size for younger youth members - easy to hold and operate.
Program Planning
Program Activities - Dates Confirmed
Formation | 1st Nunawading |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Thursday 11th August, 7pm |
Location | 1 Mark Place, Nunawading |
Lead | Daniel |
Assist | Luke |
Contact | Matilda (Scout) |
Overview | Request for fox hunting night |
- Daniel collected the Scout Radio fox hunting equipment from Neil at Scout Radio meeting, 9th August 2022.
Formation | Carlton Rover Unit |
Section | Rovers |
Date | Monday 3rd October |
Location | Carlton Scout Hall |
Lead | |
Assist | Kent, Murray, Neil |
Contact | Angelina Malcontenti-Wilson |
Overview | "I am running a rover night activity for my unit on October 3rd and was wondering if it would be possible to do some fox hunting or intro to amateur radio activity. Please let me know if anything is possible" |
Program Activities - Dates/Details TBC
Formation | Moreland Darebin District Joeys Day/1st Reservoir |
Section | Joeys Cubs |
Date | |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | Andy, Alli, Luke, Kevin, Neil |
Contact | Alison (District Leader) |
Overview | Activity day for 12 Joey Units in Moreland Darebin District. |
- Andy will touch base to gauge interest in revisiting this activity request, and to see if they are on board to assist with organising the day.
Preface for activity requests below:
We will have conversations with each of the Units below in the near future to see how we may be able to assist them with running program with resources or kits available, keeping in mind availability of our team members. We will also encourage involvement in JOTA-JOTI.
Formation | Pascoe Vale |
Section | Cubs |
Date | Monday nights |
Location | Cumberland Road, Pascoe Vale |
Lead | |
Assist | Kent |
Contact | Wu Phie |
Overview | "I would like to introduce our Cubs to the world of amateur radio, its potential and how it fits in with Scouts and the wider world. Do you have activities/ services which fit this? How do book some of SRESU time and resources? When is the earliest time I can book in? What is required on our end? I look forward to discussing with you." |
Formation | 1st Glen Iris |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Wednesday evenings |
Location | |
Lead | Luke |
Assist | Murray? |
Contact | Mike Lukins |
Overview | 50 scouts. "What do you offer that would be interesting / fun for a scout troop such as ours?" |
Formation | 4th Brunswick Scouts |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Monday evenings, 7pm - 9pm |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | |
Contact | Kim Anderson |
Overview | 30 - 40 scouts. "We'd love to run a fox hunting night or electronics kit building night." |
Formation | 1st Wheelers Hill Scouts |
Section | Scouts |
Date | |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | |
Contact | Brooke Whiteside |
Overview | Looking for "a few radio activities" on a Saturday. "How long do these activities take?" |
Formation | 1st Alfredton |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Term 4? |
Location | Ballarat District |
Lead | TBA |
Assist | |
Contact | Sarah Brackenridge, AGL/SL |
Overview | Request for Radio Team visit to a Scout night, details to follow |
- Ideally we would aim for an activity pre-JOTA with involvement from the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group to build on this relationship.
No action required currently
Formation | Bayside District Cubs |
Section | Cubs |
Date | TBC, morning/afternoon weekend activity |
Location | |
Lead | |
Assist | Kent (PA equipment) |
Contact | Karl Donald |
Overview | See Appendix 2 |
- No further planning required by our team at this stage.
- Looking more like occurring during Term 1, 2023
Amateur Events
- Upcoming:
- Remembrance Day (Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th August 2022)
- Karl (1st Sandringham)
- Philip - hoping to be on air around other commitments
- International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (Saturday 20th/Sunday 21st August 2022)
- Neil (Apollo Bay - MERC)
- Some places available, contact Neil if you're interested in going along.
- ALARA Contest (Saturday 27th August 2022)
- Clifford Park - Gemma and Daniel
- The contest runs from 4pm Saturday to 4pm Sunday. The intention is to arrive onsite Saturday lunchtime to be ready to operate by 4pm.
- Details are to be confirmed, but looking into having 4-hour blocks available for youth members to book into. Capacity for two Patrols concurrently.
- Among Patrols, rotate through operating and logging.
- Publicity will start within the next week.
- Thanks to Matt Cengia for working on the registration system to facilitate bookings for this event.
- This is a good opportunity to promote JOTA and upcoming amateur courses.
- Depending on numbers from Regional Victoria Philip may look into providing an online option.
Training Courses
- Review:
- Marine Short Range, Sunday 7th August at GSWAC, Sandringham
- Went well. 7 participants and all were happy at the end of the day.
- Credit to all participants for their preparation before attending.
- Upcoming:
- Marine Short Range, Saturday 10th September at GSWAC, Sandringham (106767)
- Only 2 attendees currently. Registrations close 21st August.
- Suggested:
- Amateur Foundation, Saturday 1st - Sunday 2nd October, location TBC
- Residential course.
- Details on venue to be locked in shortly.
- Note, post-meeting: this course has been moved to Friday 7th to Sunday 9th October at Camp Warringal due to venue availability.
- Amateur Foundation, Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th November, location TBC
New Introduction to Amateur Radio book is coming out shortly.
Program Support
Event | Mallee Mud Camp |
Section | Scouts |
Date | Friday 4th - Sunday 6th November |
Location | Tapio Station, near Wentworth, NSW |
Lead | Luke |
Assist | Glenn |
- Luke will reach out to Jason Govan.
- This camp is run by Rovers for Scouts.
- Some financial support may be available to assist delivery of program.
- Looking to run a RadioActiv8 base with some interested Venturers to assist. Considering arranging flights for Venturer assistants to make the weekend easier for them to attend.
- Please contact Luke directly if you are interested in assisting. Looking at what assistance there may be for covering fees.
Event | Kangaree 2022 |
Section | Joeys |
Date | Friday 30th September - Sunday 2nd October |
Location | Lardner Park (155 Burnt Store Rd, Lardner VIC 3820) |
Lead | |
Assist | Andy, Matt Cengia |
Request for assistance from STEM team:
Registrations are open until 16th August. I need experienced activity leaders for our STEM base "Vroom, Zoom, Boom". I have just been told to increase base capacity to accommodate 280 Joeys at a time and I really can't do this without more leader support. Any help appreciated.
Event | Cuboree 2023 |
Section | Cubs |
Date | 25 - 29 September 2023 |
Location | Gilwell Park, Gembrook |
Lead | Murray Taylor |
Assist | |
- Looking for some form of radio activity for 30 min sessions with 3 sessions each evening for 4 evenings.
- Cubs in Patrols of up to 10 with leader would book to complete the activity.
- Murray has requested the Storm Hut.
- Maree Pascoe (VK3FMJO) would be good to have on board, Murray will talk to Maree.
- No further details this month.
Clifford Park Amateur Radio
- Thanks to Daniel for working with John Zach and the team at Clifford Park to open the radio shack and tower up for wider Scouting use.
- The 20m beam on the tower is functional. There is capacity to string dipoles between poles and anchors in trees.
- There is some work to be done on improving capabilities at the site.
- In the shack, there are two rooms - one for VHF/UHF and one for HF.
- If you are running an activity with youth members, include the tower/shack fee of $25 in your event, otherwise discuss with Scout Radio Victoria and we can assist with paying the fee. Additional visitor and cleaning costs are charged by Clifford Park.
Support Development
ScoutHike Collaboration
No progress on this at this stage. Luke will be in touch with Brett Cole to discuss further.
New Licencee 'Welcome pack'
- Lead: Neil
- This would be a beneficial asset for the multitude of courses looking to be completed in the later half of 2022. If anyone has any ideas or resources please get in touch with Neil.
- No further updates from Neil this month. Update to follow in September.
- It would be good to collate resources, including Daniel's resource pack, over the coming weeks to publish on VKJOTA in the lead up to JOTA-JOTI 2022.
Upcoming Support Events
- Operation Night Owl (Saturday 17/Sunday 18 September) at Rowallan Scout Camp
- Luke has met with event coordinator Sandra Sunkel and the team.
- The team is new this year and they are open to changing how the event operates. Luke has had discussions about long term ideas around taking a youth led, adult supported approach for the event's communications.
- This year:
- 8 radio locations: 6 at activity bases, one at HQ, and one mobile unit.
- Looking at running commercial VHF at each base as per ScoutHike 2022, along with DMR handhelds at each base to test their operation through a repeater on Mt Charlie. This provides two distinct channels from each base to HQ.
- Additional DMR radios are available for staff use and are available if required for mobile operators for SAR.
- RadioActiv8 software will be used at headquarters to log contacts during the event. This is a good oppurtunity to test RA8 in this environment, and for interested people to see RA8 in action.
- We are looking at testing wide area WiFi across the event this year to assist with future event planning.
- Murray asked about the suitablilty of RadioActiv8 for tracking lost Patrols. With automatic timestamping on each log entry the system is well suited to this.
- Philip noted that in the past SPOT has been sent out with the last Patrol. We will also consider using LoRaWAN GPS trackers with each Patrol.
- As we are using a commercial network an amateur license is not a requirement but there is an open invitation to the team to assist.
- Once we receive a map we will investigate any potential radio issues. Mark has Radio Mobile data for 2m.
Program Enrichment
JOTA-JOTI (Friday 14th to Sunday 16th October 2022)
Team member plans for JOTA 2022:
Name |
Event/Location |
Andy |
Western Vic JOTA |
Kent |
No current plans |
Murray |
Unsure if running a Melbourne Region base |
Neil |
No current plans |
Gemma |
Mafeking |
Daniel |
Clifford Park |
Matt Cengia |
No current plans |
Karl |
Unsure |
Glenn |
10th Malvern, TBC |
Mark |
Treetops |
Philip |
Zoom remote station |
Clifford Park pre-JOTA Activity Nights
- Daniel suggested opening up the radio shack at Clifford Park on a number of nights in the fortnight leading up to JOTA.
- The September school holidays could be another time to consider.
- Assistance from several operators and buy-in from the wider team would be required to make this work. It was cautioned that an undertaking like this requires support to be successful.
- Daniel is happy to take the lead on this project and will advise when more details are known.
- Investigate nets that we could tap into:
- Wednesday, EMDRC 2m
- Thursday, SSTV
- Thursday, Yarra Valley 80m
- It was noted that Scout callsigns can be used by any class of licensee up to the limits of their own license class. All calls must be logged.
- We will place an initial order for 750 badges.
- Review orders in the last week of September and look at placing an additional order if required.
- Look at when historically-large events have placed orders and use this to gauge our situation.
- VKJOTA (vkjotijota.com) will be used again this year to facilitate operator and site registration, and Victorian badge and callsign orders.
- An EDM will be sent to all VKJOTA participants within the next few weeks.
Additional Business
- ACMA Fee Changes
- We did not submit a response due to time constraints.
- Hamfests
- Murray asked if we should have a presence at hamfests to present and discuss what our team woes within amateur radio and Scouting.
- Noted date for MDRC (Moorabbin) 2023 - Saturday 6th May 2023
- Yes, but further development of the RadioActiveScout program should happen first to ensure we have a consistent and coherant presentation.
- Looking at hosting a national RadioActiveScout summit early-2023 to work on developing this program.
- More discussion to come post-JOTA.
- Rosebud is the next hamfest on Sunday 20th November 2022. We may have something ready to test at this point.
- More discussion to come post-JOTA.
- Glenn asked if we have a list of activities offered with detail on each activity.
- sresu.asn.au/youth-program - this page needs updating with current activity offerings and more details.
- The Program Enrichment Team is working on a system for Challenge Cards to document and share program ideas.
- The RadioActiveScout Program will pull all of this together as a national banner for radio program.
- Glenn is keen to be involved. Open invitation to anyone interested in being involved with the development of this.
- Kent noted that the VKS737 radio is operational again, thanks for assistance in re-registering this. A renewal reminder will come later this year. There was no cost to register this.
Meeting Closed: 9.31pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022, 7.30pm
Appendix 1
Scout Radio Victoria - Finance Report
August 2022 Meeting
Prepared Monday 8 August 2022
Account Balances
Account |
Balance on Monday 8th August 2022 |
STEM - State Radio (Bendigo Bank) |
$6,057.42 |
Cheque Account (ANZ) |
$238.50 |
Savings Account (ANZ) |
$0.00 |
Total |
$6,295.92 |
Outstanding Items
Outstanding Invoices:
- Mafeking Amateur Radio Group - VK3SCM Callsign
- Mafeking Rover Park - VK3RMP Callsign
- Sandringham Cub Unit - Activity Night
- Sandringham Scout Unit - Activity Night
- VicRovers - Works on Trailer
- Douglas Ahearn - Amateur Course
- Mafeking Amateur Radio Group - Amateur Course Contribution
- Winter Gathering - Repeater Trailer Hie
Savings Account (013599 268169069) - ANZ
Date |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
13 Jul '22 |
Opening Balance |
$0.04 |
4 Aug '22 |
Transfer from Cheque Account |
$10.00 |
$10.04 |
8 Aug '22 |
Transfer to Cheque Account |
$10.04 |
$0.00 |
8 Aug '22 |
Closing Balance |
$0.00 |
Cheque Account (013599 268166933) - ANZ
Date |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
13 Jul '22 |
Opening Balance |
$0.00 |
19 Jul '22 |
Hoadley Hide Fuel Reimbursement |
$238.46 |
$238.46 |
4 Aug '22 |
Transfer to Savings Account |
$10.00 |
$228.46 |
8 Aug '22 |
Transfer from Savings Account |
$10.04 |
$238.50 |
8 Aug '22 |
Closing Balance |
$238.50 |
Scouts Victoria STEM - State Radio (633000 190363002) - Bendigo Bank
Date |
Description |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
13 Jul '22 |
Opening Balance |
$7,134.10 |
22 Jul '22 |
Toni Archer Purchase of old JOTA badges |
$14.20 |
$7,148.30 |
22 Jul '22 |
Toni Archer Purchase of old JOTA badges |
$6.00 |
$7,154.30 |
24 Jul '22 |
Jay Reid Purchase of old JOTA badges |
$33.20 |
$7,187.50 |
29 Jul '22 |
Inca Computer Systems Purchase of Moisture Sensor Kit PCBs and Components |
$1,296.94 |
$5,890.56 |
31 Jul '22 |
Andrew King Reimburse purchase of copper tape |
$7.40 |
$5,883.16 |
1 Aug '22 |
Interest |
$0.06 |
$5,883.22 |
2 Aug '22 |
City of Knox District Joeys Activity Day - Sunday 31st July 2022 |
$570.00 |
$6,453.22 |
4 Aug '22 |
Christian Burns 19th Camberwell Cubs - Monday |
$100.00 |
$6,553.22 |
5 Aug '22 |
Transfer to STEM Purchases Debit Card Purchase materials to repair fox hunting antenna |
$10.80 |
$6,542.42 |
5 Aug '22 |
Luke Byrnes Reimburse purchase of 10 small Pelican cases |
$200.00 |
$6,342.42 |
8 Aug '22 |
Scouts Victoria STEM Activities at Knox District Joeys Day |
$285.00 |
$6,057.42 |
8 Aug '22 |
Closing Balance |
$6,057.42 |