Many people have asked about this color code and why it is used. The colored connectors are also keyed to stop accidental plugging the wrong connector together, (e.g connecting a 48 volt charger to a 12 volt battery could be very dangerous.) The color code was designed by the Anderson Company.
The SRESU decided that this was color code and keying was a good idea and started using yellow connector bodies for 12V applications.
Unfortunately the auto and caravan industry did not follow the Anderson recommendations and it is still very possible to plug a 12V caravan or camper trailer into a 24V truck, or 24V vehicle charger. Note the common color used for connectors in many auto industry applications is gray (i.e. 36V) or black which will mate together as their keys are the same.If you would like to source some yellow shells (bodies) or complete kits to protect your valuable 12V equipment, please make a general enquiry via our contact us page.
We may also have limited quantities of the 30A or 75A Red and Black kits available from time to time as well.